Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre

“The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre is the name given to the 1929 murder of seven mob associates as part of a Prohibition-era conflict between two powerful criminal gangs in Chicago: the South side Italian gang led by Al Capone and the North Side Irish gang led by Bugs Moran.  Former members of the Egan’s Rats gang were also suspected of having played a significant role in the incident, assisting Capone.”

If you fast forward 85 years to Wylie, Texas 2014, we are living in the aftermath of yet another Valentine’s Day massacre that was deliberately planned and carried out by another powerful gang working along side other mob associates within the City of Wylie management.  This present day massacre took place last Valentine’s Day 2013.  As in the original massacre, those that carried out Wylie’s assassinations of character did so to advance their own career advancements and agendas.  They created compelling yet completely fabricated stories as justification for the terrible things they do and have done to others and the 2013 was not an isolated incident.  The same people have been doing this to their City employees and associates since 2001.  They hide behind their positions and their titles, yet they strip the same from others by setting them up and then carrying out their own one-sided “investigations” among themselves and then exact their character assassinations leaving a wake of destruction in the lives of far too many.  Year after year this continues to happen, yet done in such a way that everyone feels very much threatened and will mind the ‘P’s and Q’s”--polite words when talking and quietness to insure that nothing be said that could be considered objectionable by the City.  Everyone wants to be able to find a job and live your life without the threat of retaliation IF you happen to say or do anything displeasing in any way to them.  I am a 64 year old woman and have lots of friends and acquaintances in the community.  It was like a prison sentence for me NOT to be able to be out in MY community because my talking to someone could be construed that I was saying something that could be someway objectionable by a group of people that had told complete lies and fabrications about me and my husband in the first place?  This to me is completely illogical that such sanctions would be imposed upon anyone and by the ones heaping the wrongs on others, but it has been happening and it is shameful.     

In previous posts I have shared that in this past year many former employees have come forward sharing the stories of their own set ups and those of others that they had known of in past years.  What everyone seems to have in common are the lies, the officials and management team that set them up and the creations of false and damning scenarios and stories as “justification” to slaughter their targeted employees.  The stress of such set-ups, lies and stories have resulted not just in their obvious job loss, but there have been many more tragic repercussions resulting for them all.  The obvious loss of insurance is a major problem for most, but especially devastating for those of us undergoing treatments for dread diseases such as cancer, as our only options are to cease such treatments for without income and insurance such treatments are cost prohibitive.  There have been major financial and property loss issues for many, an increase in stress related health issues, forced career changes, retirement plans greatly altered and compromised for many; some have even completely lost their retirement having received the ax right before they were fully vested.  There have been marital and other relationship problems, even divorce and the tragic breakup of families; and sadly the suspected cause of one’s early death.  And all of this because of greed and the mishandling by people in positions of authority that believe they do not have to answer to anyone and that their fabricated stories and lies will help them remain infallible.   These people are known as “serial assassins” responsible for the character attacks on many good people, those that were good employees by all other accounts before the set-ups and those with stellar reputations prior to these senseless character assassinations.  Some of those that have been hurt and had their lives changed forever have been two former City Managers, a Mayor, different Councilmen, a Director of Planning, Building Officials, a Parks Director, as well as assistants, associates and clerks in many City departments.  

I have wondered why so many in positions that could stop these people have not come forward with the truth that they know as contrary to what is happening to good people.  And I have also wondered how those that are participating “to secure their own jobs” believe that they are secure?  First of all, how can you knowingly compromise your values and set others up?  Do you honestly believe that they will not do the exact same thing to you once the stories of those wronged are finally exposed?  Do you not know that those you have enabled to continue doing such things over and over will not hang you too once this is finally made public?  Isn’t it common for snakes to attack and eat prey and even each other?  In my life, I have tried to stand with the victims against such wrongs.  No matter how heartbreaking it is for all of us to be the ones buried in all these assaults over the last ten years, I have said over and over, I would rather be on this end of the debacle than aligning myself with those placing so many in their coffins and continually hammering the nails in their attempt to contain those in the coffins.  I could not live with myself knowing I had hurt even one person in this manner and certainly not the many they try to bury each year.    

If you think I am just being dramatic, our drama was created and produced by at least four individuals that spin much drama around town.  And the analogy of the coffin and nails was given me by Mayor Hogue (who is truly a Drama King) in the meeting that he called Dwight and I to in his church office at Cottonwood Church of Christ where he says he is Pastor.  That day as he was telling us their made-up story that all would be told about Dwight and I to everyone, I kept saying “It is not true”.  His reply to my denials was “Who are they going to believe…you or a Pastor?”  He then added Pastor Kris Segrest of Wylie’s First Baptist Church to the mix saying “His was the final nail in Dwight’s coffin”. 

We were absolutely shocked that our own pastor would align himself with this group and participate in something so contemptible to anyone in his flock.  Since we were threatened to silence, it was literally months later before I asked what and why Kris did what he did to us, IF he actually did.  It was then that we found out that Kris as well as at least one other pastor at First Baptist Wylie was also victimized in this.  The “group” made sure that our own pastors were incriminated probably hoping that we would go around the community blaming Kris and helping to spread the made-up tale ourselves and in so doing maligning our own pastors.  They probably thought our pastors would then help bury us.  We did not do this, adhering to the “gag” in hopes of finding a job so we could stop the bleeding in our life.  We had believed that the City of Wylie HR Director would honor the ‘Letter of Reference’ that Dwight was given for his job search and not blackball him in his search as we had been threatened.  Of course shame on us for believing they would suddenly decide to take the ‘high and honorable road’, for there have been many doors closed once the reference was checked with the City.  We knew they wanted us OUT OF TOWN for good because there was too many people really questioning the truth of what was being told about us around town.  Thank goodness people that know us knew that what they were hearing made no sense that we would suddenly go rogue and start bullying people, doing such terrible and hurtful things as being told by this little “gang” and those they recruited to help spin and spread their stories.          

We are certainly not sinless as no one is and we struggle daily against our sinful nature just like everyone does, but we both try our best to do no harm to others and minister to others as Christ would have us do.  We certainly did NOT do what they accused either of us of doing.  If you have not read other posts regarding just the mere surface of a very deep well we have been treading, you can read some of what this group has been doing to us and others.  The posts in September through December relating to some of this are in “The Judge, The Henchman, and The Hangman”, “Are They Really Christians”, “What’s in Your Wallet”, “Do It Anyway”, “Blessings in His Time”, “C/O Straight Up, With Sugar, Coating or No C/O” and “Part Two…” and Part Three…” of the continuing C/O debacle.  Unfortunately, with this group, Wylie has become a town of “the haves” and “have-nots”.  It does not matter if your roots go back four generations in this community as mine do, for some of the town newbies and even non-residents  are branding us and trying to cast us into the Lake of Fire and whatever their influence, Officials and Upper Management are having a joyful time helping them. 

As in an earlier post “Do It Anyway”, I am posting about this hoping to STOP their continuing abuse of others.  I am posting because so many have been shamed and victimized by people that are in positions of authority here in Wylie—those that we should be able to trust, those that we have voted into office and those that have placed blame on other innocent people to carry out their agendas.  I also believe that those that have been destroyed by these people deserve redemption for they too have been blamed and wrongly charged as guilty by this group.  They should know that others have been forced to wear “the token of our shame” like “the bale-fire of that scarlet letter blazing at the end of our path” here in Wylie and for NO wrongdoing of our own.  All can continue to shun us, but we refuse to wear the ‘Scarlet Letter’ that this group has tried to brand us with and pray this group will be stopped so that no one else will fall victim.  If they are finally stopped from hurting others, that will serve as redemption for us all—the prey of these hunters.      

Many on council over the years have fallen victim to this same character assassination making them expendable by this group.  Don’t even hint at challenging them for their positions, their views, or their agendas as they spread the innuendos and embellish stories that are malicious at best and all the while, they are treating you like their best friends making you think that they are the BEST.  Their methods are orchestrated, used collectively, and it is very effective, for their target’s center has been hit and is down, before anyone can dial 911.  The present council has been victim of the Mayor’s subterfuge by way of discrediting them, openly making fun of their positions which very much demeans and undermines them with the citizens, publicly talking and hinting at possible questionable behavior of council members while away on trips to Austin, etc. leaving citizens wondering what in the world happened on our taxpayer’s dime.  And my goodness, it is said the Mayor has been whining around town about those of questionable character and feigning incredulous shock that anyone of such “questionable” character could even dare challenge ‘His Goodness, the Mayor”. I wonder if people are falling for his syrupy kiss-kisses as sincere and if they really believe that he is looking out for the best interests of you and me? There are former council members that will tell you that Wylie’s Mayor Hogue is the dirtiest campaigner they have ever seen—nothing is off limits and he can stoop as low as any venomous snake.  Kind of scary when you see the real face behind the Mayor’s ‘Clinky the Clown’ facade and we are just a few of many that are seeing the dark and not so humorous side of our Mayor.  Yes, he is a professional clown, but he has brought new meaning to the term “Killer Clown” and now I understand why some children are terribly frightened by clowns and we adults should take heed—all clowns are not equal and all clowns are not good and the same is true for Mayors.  It is shameful that so many of our elected officials too have been victimized by our Mayor and Officials only because they hold (or have held) coveted positions (the same is true of many that have been booted in Wylie’s City Hall history) or happen to have businesses like The Crafter’s Co-op and the stained glass shop before us that are deemed too close for the Mayor’s and “Mini-Mayor’s comfort.  The one that is called “Mini-Mayor” around town is believed by some to be the one pulling his political strings, as well as those of the City Manager and Assistant City Manager. 

News of what is coming……..

I will be sharing much on the Mini-Mayor in upcoming posts, as there is much the citizens of Wylie need to know about who the strings are being pulled for and who is controlling much of what is happening in town and unfortunately not for the betterment of Wylie, but personal, selfish agendas. 

And we are finally moving Mother home this coming Monday—Praise the Lord!  I am working on getting the house set up again and even bought her some new furniture that I hope she likes.  I am creating a happy and peaceful place for her once again.  Rehab has been very hard for her and she is so ready to be home  where things will be more serene for her once again.

This week being one year since the “bough broke and it all came tumbling down” has us looking back on all the amazing things the Lord has done for us through it all.  The waiting has been hard, but we have been expectantly looking each day fully in the face wondering if THIS is the day when we get the answers that will define the rest of our days?  All things are finally coming together and there is so much to be thankful for!  We continue to pray each day for all those hurt before us and for the protection of those still in their midst at City Hall and especially those that have harmed so many—praying that the Lord will convict them of their wrongdoings at the expense of so many undeserving of the grief and pain they have caused and inflicted on so many over the years.   

And with Mom moving home I will have a little more time to post and I have tons to share with you all.  I will finally be able to get back on a schedule with more time for work and time to get back to our plans to downsize.  I am really excited about downsizing too as it will enable us to focus more on less! 

I promised back in September that when we finally had some answers about what happened last year and it was believed we were safe to share details, I would let you all know how it worked out.  There has not been a day since we opened The Crafter’s Co-op that I ever doubted that it was exactly what we were supposed to be doing even through this past year after we had to close it down. Everything we did was done with the intent to help others during the economic downturn (never our intent to make us money), but for those that needed a little extra income and those needing a place to showcase their arts to support their own ministries or ministries of their choice.   I found myself over and over questioning why the Lord allowed such circumstances that made it impossible for us to keep our ministry open and the avenue for the 28 ministries within our little shop.  But even as I questioned Him, I knew He would work it out in His time.  Dwight and I have come to KNOW the importance of waiting upon the Lord to provide and the knowing part has always been a given and the easy part, BUT it is the obediently waiting that is hard…trying NOT to get ahead of Him.    

This has been a year of grieving for me as I have grieved the loss of the shop and all the friends made through the shop as well as most of what our life has been here in Wylie.  This loss has been like a death in the family as we have lost so much AND we recognize it will never be the same.  I have always been happy in Wylie and have loved living here.  Because of my happiness and love for Wylie, I recognize that you can not lose all that we have lost and not grieve.  So we have grieved our losses with arms open wide to welcome the new life that is sure to come.  Knowing it is all in His plan makes it easier for me to put the life of Wylie to rest knowing that final closure will take us to the place He wants us to be.  It is already an incredible testimony of how the Lord has taken what was meant for our harm and He is using for good—and there is no way I could have ever dreamed how this would eventually turn out.  He answers prayers and is always good in all things! 

To be continued………